An Adult who is admitted to the Club between 1st October and 31st December in any year must pay the
Joining Fee of $20, and the Annual Subscription (1st October to 30th September the following year) of $140 (i.e. $20 + $140 = $160).
An Adult who is admitted to the Club between 1st January and 30th September in any year pays the Joining Fee of $20, plus a discounted yearly subscription of $14 per month through to the end of September. (If joining in May you would pay $14 x 5 months = $70 + $20 joining fee = $90). He or she is then financial until the 30th September of the same year.
Annual Subscriptions do not apply to Juniors
Payment must be made by credit card to submit this application form. The application will be reviewed
and voted on at the next Committee meeting.
Successful applicants will be notified by email and mail and will receive an information sheet containing some basic
information about club competitions and booking.
Notification reminding members of Annual Subscriptions Renewal is sent by email to all members in late
September with payment due on the 1st of October each year.
Every July Melbourne City Council offers an annual ticket to the public. This can only be purchased during
the month of July. Enquiries to be directed to the Golf Shop staff.
Royal Park is a VGL affiliated club based at a public golf course. As a member you will have the benefit of
holding a registered GOLFLINK Handicap which will enable you to play in Club, VGL and GA events
throughout the year at Royal Park and other golf courses and clubs in Australia and overseas. You are also
covered by Club insurance.
As a member of Royal Park Golf Club Inc., you will have no rights or privileges on the Royal Park Golf Course,
other than those afforded to any green fee paying member of the public.
Booking a round of golf at Royal Park Golf Club is entirely an arrangement between the player and the
Lessee of the golf course. Please do not therefore demand any privilege or favour from the Lessee as a
member of the Royal Park Golf Club Inc.
For all Sunday Club Competitions the correct tee markers must be used by all players.
Welcome to Royal Park Golf Club!

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